Focused Lectures

To learn from others Experience.

Case Discussion

To Learn from Each others Experience

Panel Discussion

To Clear doubts from Seniors and Experts in our Field.

Debate Sessions

To have an Advanced Learning Curve

PMR Quiz

To have a competition for gaining broad Knowladge.


Clear Cut Take Home Message

To apply in our practice and for the Benefit of our Clients /Patients.

Live In-Box Procedure Training

To improve your surgical/Practical Expertise and Skills from PM&R Stalwarts.

Trend Changing Conference

Focusing for Next Ten Years Growth in our Field as well as to Equip our Budding Physiatrist adequately.

Key Note Lectures

To prepare for your Exams as well as Knowledge for your Practice.

Tips from Seniors

To equip you with sharp answers and knowledge for your exams as well as Rehab practice.

Learn Tricks

To give a unique touch of heal to your clients as well as to come out of your Examination evaluations successful.