ICMR Panels

Group 1


To explore strategies for strengthening rehabilitation in health systems and its role in improving access to assistive technology.

1. Discuss the integration of rehabilitation services within healthcare systems.
2. Highlight the importance of collaboration between health and rehabilitation sectors.
3. Identify challenges and opportunities for enhancing rehabilitation services in India.
4. Share best practices for promoting universal access to assistive technology through rehabilitation.


Group 2


To discuss ways to improve access to assistive technology within all key development sectors.

1. Examine the role of various development sectors in facilitating access to assistive technology.
2. Explore strategies for mainstreaming assistive technology across different sectors.
3. Identify barriers to access and discuss potential solutions.
4. Share success stories of organizations promoting assistive technology in development sectors.


Group 3


To explore measures to ensure that assistive products are safe, effective, and affordable.

1. Discuss the importance of safety and affordability in assistive products.
2. Examine quality standards and regulations for assistive technology.
3. Explore strategies for making assistive products more cost-effective.
4. Share insights from organizations ensuring the safety and affordability of assistive technology.


Group 4


To discuss how to enlarge, diversify, and improve human resource capacity in the field of assistive technology.

1. Identify the skills and competencies required in the assistive technology workforce.
2. Discuss strategies for capacity building and training programs.
3. Explore the role of different stakeholders in expanding human resource capacity.
4. Share examples of successful initiatives in this domain.


Group 5


To explore ways to actively involve users of assistive technology and their families in the development and evaluation of assistive products.

1. Discuss the importance of user involvement in the assistive technology process.
2. Share experiences of users and their families in shaping assistive products.
3. Identify challenges and opportunities for meaningful user engagement.
4. Highlight the impact of user involvement on product development.


Group 6


To focus on increasing public awareness, garnering political support, and investing in data and evidence-based policy related to assistive technology.

1. Explore strategies for raising public awareness about assistive technology.
2. Discuss the role of policymakers in supporting assistive technology initiatives.
3. Highlight the importance of data and evidence in policymaking.
4. Share examples of successful awareness campaigns and evidence-based policies.


Group 7


To focus on investment in research, innovation, enabling ecosystems, and environments for assistive technology.

1. Discuss the role of research and innovation in advancing assistive technology.
2. Explore strategies for creating enabling ecosystems for innovation.
3. Highlight successful examples of innovation in assistive products.
4. Discuss the importance of user-friendly environments for assistive technology


Group 8


To focus on including assistive technology in humanitarian responses and providing technical and economic assistance through international cooperation.

1.Discuss the role of assistive technology in humanitarian situations.
2.Explore strategies for including assistive technology in humanitarian aid.
3.Highlight the need for international cooperation in supporting national efforts.
4.Share examples of successful humanitarian initiatives involving assistive technology.
